Found myself thinking a lot about materials on this recent
site visit. All of the stuff, the matter
that I was actually paying attention to and looking at, but also the way I was
working with my own materials – camera, tracking slide and fluid head
tripod. Panning, tilting, sliding - watching
everything transform through the camera’s viewfinder or LCD screen. The wind was really whipping around, which
was great. Little weeds and grasses were
flopping sideways and the plastic flags, tarps and ropes were all over the
place. Birds too and of course planes
taking off one after another. Always
interesting to shift your gaze from ground level upward, the seemingly stable
compacted dirt and concrete contrasting with the shimmering surfaces of water
and sky just a glance above.
Several lightly edited proofs from the recent visit are
below. I haven’t had a chance to review
the video yet. Look for a few preview
clips in the coming weeks, if you are interested.
Click images for larger view: